Always pissed me off that I never got around to voting in the Great Jock 'N' Roll top Scottish singles poll. Not sure if I heard about the poll too late or it was simply the case that I placed a post in draft with the intention of coming back to it at a later date. (It'll be the latter . . . I currently have 95 posts in draft.)
No worries. My all time favourite single by a Scottish group or artist won regardless, and I can now kill two birds with one tattie scone by marking National Irn Bru Day with the listing of my all time top ten favourite singles by Scottish 'artistes' in the new fangled music player gizmo.

Point of Information - don't read too much into the tracklisting. It's neither 10 thru' 1 nor 1 thru' 10. 'Party Fears Two' is the best song bar none; the rest can fight it out amongst themselves.
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