Joke of the day. Found via here.
Not the funniest round of jokes I've ever read, but the one below is pretty canny. Not for the fainthearted or for those of you from Larkhall:
A Protestant Glaswegian family head out one Saturday afternoon to do their Christmas shopping. While in JJB Sports, the son picks up a Celtic Football shirt and says to his sister, "I've decided to be a Celtic Supporter and I want this strip for my Christmas" the sister is outraged at this and promptly whacks him round the head and says, " Go talk tae yer ma".
Off goes the unusually intelligent little lad, with Celtic shirt in hand and finds his mother.
"Mum." "Yes, son?"
"I've decided I'm going to be a Celtic supporter and I want this strip for my Christmas."
The mother is outraged at this, promptly whacks him round the head and says, "Go talk to yer da." Off goes this little pearl amongst swine, with Celtic shirt in hand and finds his father.
"Yes, son?"
"I've decided I'm going to be a Celtic supporter and I want this strip for my Christmas."
The father is outraged at this, promptly whacks his son round the head and says, "No son of mine is ever going to be seen in THAT!"
About half an hour later, they are all back in the car heading home. The father turns to the son and says,"Son, I hope you have learned something today?"
The son turns to his father says, "Yes, Father, I have".
Father says, "Good son, what is it?"
The son replies, "I've only been a Celtic supporter for an hour and I already hate you hun bastards."
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