Something I said?

I'm sure my current inability to access Harry's Place is nothing more than a temporary glitch - and has more to do with techie questions that I don't properly understand than any notion of someone blocking my IP address - but it does seems weird that it appeared so soon after I made this wee observation on the UK Left Network yahoo discussion group:
Re: [UK Left Network] Weekly Worker
Fri Oct 12, 2007 5:46 pm
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"Darren"New picture editor?
Btw, if you view UK Left Network posts as grouped messages rather than as individual posts you will get some strange messages cropping up under the same post title.For example, the following post cropped up under the 'Weekly Worker' grouped message title:> Sat May 26, 2001 12:34 am
> Show Message Info
>"Harry Steele"
>The following UK_Left_Network poll is now closed. Here are the
>final results:
>POLL QUESTION: Should the Weekly Worker group allow Harry Steele an article on his views regarding the CPGB in the pages >of their paper?
>- yes, 13 votes, 81.25%
>- no, 3 votes, 18.75%The people have spoken.
I await the details from the editor.
As a gesture of good will to the WWG I will drop my usual fee.
________Did 'Harry' ever write his article for the WW? It seems so long ago. I guess he's in a happier place these days writing about Posh and Becks.
As I say, it must just be a glitch and, being the technophobe that I am, I'm reading too much into such things but 'The Dedicated Follower of Fashion' on HP does seem to be increasingly tetchy these days since he was prominently featured in a 'What To Wear' section on Lenny's Place.
But what about Harry the Hatchet? Where is he? There he is.
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