Saturday, March 29, 2008

You know you want one


Highlander said...

Can I have your 2nd Free Fish Pen Darren? so I can show it to friends and family while they point and laugh.

Imposs1904 said...

But H, if I have two that will be twice the fun for me.

Love the fact they decided to place the advert during the half time advert break in the Man Utd/Aston Villa.

What does that say about the demographic that they're aiming at?

Anonymous said...

Did you get to see the smash and grab raid Betis did on Barcelona after the United game? (getting 40 plus cable TV channels again is a blessing of sorts, even though I am no real fan of TV; ah to see footie, rugby union magazines, Doctor Who episodes and Edge of Darkness...yay!)

BTW, does Manchester SPGB have an extra demand for new members: "must supprt Man City"?

Imposs1904 said...

"BTW, does Manchester SPGB have an extra demand for new members: "must supprt Man City"?"

PB's an Arsenal supporter.

I'll look out for the Real Betis/ Barcelona game.

Highlander said...

I'm a United fan and I live in Manchester so bring on the smart comments ;) but then I'm not in the SPGB :(

Imposs1904 said...

I'm too much in shock at encountering a Man Utd supporter from Manchester to even attempt a smart arse comment.

Sure your birth certificate doesn't say Salford?