Monday, October 02, 2006

Running Late

As Graham notes, the good news is that after a couple of false starts and after much huffing and puffing, the SPGB will have its own blog up and running sometime in the coming weeks. It's a case of watch this - and other SPGBers - blog space for further details.

I have to put my hand up to being one of the main reasons for it not being 'operational' sooner. The Party gave the green light to set up the blog a while back, and appointed the members to do the spade work, etc but as is the norm in small organisations where too few people do too much work, all of us have been channelling our energies into other party activities in other areas - my excuse being this - and that has meant we have taken our collective eye off the blog . . . and missed a few opportunities in the process.

In my case it is doubly ironic 'cos I've been one of the Party members who has been arguing for absolutely ages that the Party should have a day to day blog*, and now that we've won the argument I became one of the main brakes on it actually being realised. Hopefully, that is behind us now and I'm looking forward to the blog.

I'm positive for its success 'cos despite our tradition's tendency to fall into the polemical trap of the 'final paragraph' syndrome, "And only under Socialism . . . " etc etc, there is also strong tradition of sharp political commentary from a socialist perspective on day to day events that was obviously originally rooted in the outdoor platform tradition where SPGBers and others would have to argue the toss on this, that and everything to all and sundry, but has also been evident in those regular columns that have always appeared in the Socialist Standard, such as 'Voice From The Back', 'Sting in the Tail', 'Scavenger' and 'Passing Notes' down the years. Fingers crossed that the comrades who employed their sardonic wit with such great effect on 'Sting in the Tail' in the past, and 'Voice From The Back' now, will be on board to make the same pertinent propaganda points online.

The bad news regarding the blog is that once again my suggestion for possible titles for a Party endeavour has fallen on deaf ears (see this post for the previous occasion I was thwarted), and I have to break the news to you gently dear reader that the Party blog will not be going with any of the following titles:

  • The Small Party's Good Blog
  • Class War on the Blogging Front
  • The Blog on the Clapham Omnibus
  • The Cunts Are Still Running The World
  • In Between Talking About Football
  • Birth, School, Work, Abolish Capitalism
  • Notes from the Class Struggle
  • "Tasteless sods."

    *The Party has already had a couple of election blogs up and running here and here, and I just know that if the comrades who had so diligently maintained those blogs had been on board for this blog, it would be on its 787th post by now.

    1 comment:

    Anonymous said...

    I will buy you that drink Comrade when we meet! ;)