Hat tip to Will Rubbish for the link. And whilst you're at it, you can also check out the Battle of the Album Covers that Will links to.
Hat tip to Will Rubbish for the link. And whilst you're at it, you can also check out the Battle of the Album Covers that Will links to.
No grateful dead album covers ...what a bummer
They missed an opportunity by not using ABC's 'Lexicon of Love' and/or any Smiths album cover.
From looking at the selection of album covers used, I'm guessing that Whispering Bob Harris has found a sideline to occupy his time.
So, why wasn't the Grateful Dead included in the montage?
Pardon the Ignorant Yankee question here, but I read the comments to this particular video after seein' it, and one of the posters mentioned that Cap'n Obscenity, as I'll call the fella rung up by the BT rep., is a Geordie.
That could very well be, but to my Yank ears, he sounded more Yorkshire.
As for the BT rep., or Lieutenant Wanker as I'll call 'im, is he from the south-east, and, if so, which part???
Sorry for the silly questions here, but there are times that am at sea with some of the various British regional accents.
BTW, forgot to mention that the video, actually audio recording, was one of the funniest bits that have heard recently.
Ta' for postin' the link to it.
"Cap'n Obscenity" is definitely a Geordie to these ears, but I'll let the full-time swearer and part-time Geordie, Will Rubbish, have the final word on the matter if and when he sees these comment.
I've got the BT telemarketer down as a 'Brummie' - someone from the Midlands or their abouts - which would set anyone off in a full mouth rant in my estimation.
I agree that it's brilliantly funny. I haven't laughed so much since I watched the brilliant HBO comedy Lucky Louie.
I thought the person was Will! :) Right accent, right vernacular, same "I'll smack you with a rubber chicken, Grayham" temper.
The call centre lad sounds more like a Scouser to my ears (listen to his very last words when he's talking to his manager Dianne, as he's not putting on such a stupid telephone voice at that point).
The bloke who's all shouty sounds more like a Teesider to my ears rather than a Geordie.
nah, the call centre bloke is definitely a brummie. Maybe one of the post sort - from Leamington Spa or Bromsgrove, but a brummie nonetheless.
I'll bow to your superior knowledge about the other bloke being a Teesider. The anger could be explained away y t fact that the telemarketer caught him at an inopportune moment - maybe he was in the middle of trying to dispel the historical bad press about Teesiders and monkeys at the time?
Nope. You're wrong about the call centre lad.
He's definitely a Scouser. My blogging friend Scribbles who is a Brummie herself has confirmed this when I asked her to verify my initial stand on this highly important and vexing question of world affairs. And that.
Poor naive Will.
Like a Brummie like Scribbles is going to put their hands up, and proclaim: "Yep, that chuffin' idiot calling on behalf of BT is from Aston."
Just 'cos Brummies have accents that make them sound as if they have the IQ of a melted Hershey Bar - and fuck you Carl Chinn, btw, I'm not interested - it doesn't mean that they are all thickoes.
Thought I would throw a controversial statement into the comments box, for effect.
Strictly speaking, I'm not a Brummie, I'm from the Black Country, but having been in Brum for years I can safely say that the BT Boy is definitely not a Brummie. He is a Scouser.
For the record, Leamington Spa and Bromsgrove are not in Birmingham.
Also for the record, I do not speak like Carl Chin.
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