. . . I will write another proper blog, but in the meantime: is it just me, or does the new Manchester United strip look like an old Bristol City jersey?

I can't date the Bristol City top I'm thinking of, but it definitely rings a bell. Could we have reached that point in history where football strip manufacturers have run out of ideas in applying rejigs to the same kit again and again, so they can sell yet another XXL replica top for forty five quid - that has been made by sweated labour in the third world - to balding blokes called Nigel and Wayne living in cul de sacs in Redhill and Stourbridge?
On matters relating to United, it appears that Ferguson is seeking to offload Liam Miller and is listening to offers. Gordon, if you are reading this (and I know you have been known to look in every once in a while for updates on the Microdisney reunion tour): sell Stan and ask Liam to come back. You know it makes sense.
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