Did socialists assume that the progress science has made in explaining our world would push out religious beliefs? Instead the 21st century has seen religion become even more of a prominent issue.Whether it is the role of Islam in Britain, sectarian conflicts in the Middle East, or the ongoing battle between creationism and evolutionary theory,religion is always in the news.Our weekend of talks and discussion will explore socialist views on the impact of religion in society.
How does faith relate to other aspects of capitalism,such as laws and relations between countries?
How does a religious outlook differ from a socialst or humanist one?
Can you be a socialist and have religious beliefs?
As always the venue for Summer School is Fircroft College, which offers excellent facilities within easy reach of Birmingham city centre.
Thou shalt have an interesting and enjoyable weekend
Friday Evening Meal 6.30-7.00 pm
7.45 Friday evening - Sandy Easton on 'The Real Meaning of Religion'
Saturday Breakfast 7.30 -9.30 10.00 Saturday - Mike Foster on End Times beliefs
Lunch 12.30 -1 15
2.00 Saturday afternoon - Howard Moss asks 'Is Socialism a Faith?'Saturday Evening Meal 6.30 -7.00
7.30 Saturday evening - Gwynn Thomas on 'Islam, Politics and Revolution'
Sunday Breakfast 7.30-9.30
10.00 - Adam Buick on 'Evolution and the God Hypothesis'
Enquiries to Mike , spgbschool@yahoo.co.uk
1 comment:
Well JC, the 'S Easton' who will be speaking at the Socialist Party Summer School is originally from Scotland and has been known to sing Folk Songs at the downing of a pint so it was an understandble mistake to make. ;-)
He's never 'worked' with Prince, though.
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