The February Socialist Standard can also be viewed as a PDF here.Blair is Right!
Pathfinders Junk Shopping
Cooking the Books #1 The Poverty Line
Cooking the Books #2 International Non-Cooperation
Greasy Pole The Trouble With Kelly
50 Years Ago Macmillan Must Go!
Racists Can't Define Race Race is a completely unscientific concept, as is shown by the fact that racists have been unable to define what a race is other than in completely arbitrary ways.
Terrorism: means to a dead end Terrorism is now associated with Islamic extremists, but in the early 1970s there were terrorist groups on the "far-left." We look at the half-baked "socialist" notions from the New Left that these terrorists took.
Patents: Capitalism versus Technological Advance The technological dynamism of capitalism is undeniable. But the functioning of capitalism also means the shelving of many useful inventions.
The Money Trick It was probably a rich person who devised the saying, "Money can't buy happiness". But there is more truth in the cynical retort that at least it allows you to be miserable in comfort.
Beyond Sectarianism David Ervine, Member of the Northern Ireland Assembly for a loyalist area of East Belfast, who died in January, saw that working class Protestants and Catholics had both been conned.
Book Reviews Worlds Apart: Measuring International and Global Inequality by Branko Milanovic; Zapata of Mexico by Peter E. Newell; The Communist Club by Keith Scholey; Kennington Park by Stefan Szczelkun
Letters to the Editors 'Naked bonobos?' & 'But What Can I Do?'
Meetings London, Manchester & Birmingham. Is This The Way In Amarillo?; Viva Las Vegas?; Post Xmas Blues; New York, New York; The Insecure Society; Priorities
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