Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Interesting Quote

From an online interview with Joe Bageant that dates from a couple of years back:

AP: In "The Covert Kingdom" you illustrate the mentality of the Christian Fundamentalists that the progressive left is up against, a mentality that is only matched by Muslim Fundamentalism. How can we, in a democratic system, keep such destructive segments of society from harming the less vocal majority (assuming that they are not a majority!)?

Bageant: It can't. Until the progressive left gets out there on the street and recruits every ignorant piece of white trash and person of colour it ain't gonna happen. But here in the US, the so-called left is comfortable being in the catering class of college professors, managers, journalists, school teachers and others required to keep the capitalist system humming, they ain't gonna take any risks. They just don't get it that if they do not love their labouring brothers, beer belly, ignorance, crack habit and all, their ass is grass too. It's only a matter of time. But they simply do not believe these people are their brothers, or even human, for that matter. America is a class system first and foremost.


Imposs1904 said...

For a change I wasn't getting all workerist and sending out coded messages to any passing readers.

I posted the quote 'cos I thought it was food for thought, but also 'cos I'm sick of bookmarking links and then promptly forgetting where I put them.

What better way to remember Joe Bageant's website/blog then to post a link to it in a blog post? ;-)

Reidski said...

Yes, far from it, it's for the so-called "white trash" or trash of any colour or race to bring enlightenment of what life is all about and what it could be to the bourgeoisie. I am always dumbfounded at those who make revolutionary slogans or gestures in terms of changing the world and they don't know who their own neighbours are.
And, on that point, I'll get my coat ...