Monday, May 16, 2005

Pure Dead Brilliant

Just a short one - still tired from a couple of long coach trips to and from London last couple of days.
I had an excellent weekend back down in London. Met up with Kara of Radio Active fame who was over from New York for a couple of days. Sorry if it sounds daft and soppy but I'm totally in love with her. So glad I finally met you, Kara. Hope you enjoyed your time in London as much as I did.
Last night before travelling back, met up with Reidski of Big Blowdown fame in a Wetherspoon's in Central London, and had a great laugh having a few drinks and telling bad jokes, and in general having a good rant about football, music and obscure lefty politics.
Back to regular blogging in the next couple of days. Cheers.


John said...

I'd have loved to have been there. I'd have stood the pair of you a few rounds: London prices are probably ridiculously cheap when compared with Dublin.

Reidski said...

A good time was definitely had by all. And no pleading for me to retell either the embarrassing scooter incident or Pete Wylie episodes.
Here's to the next time!

John said...

Ahhhh, go on. You know you want to.