Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Tupped Full Of Vitamins

Hak Mao gives me a wee name check when taking Lloyd Cole to task for having an attack of the "Did he really write that line?" on the classic eighties pop single Perfect Skin.
All I can say to HM is that she should try and avoid the album Rattlesnakes at all costs. If she thinks that line cited is particularly painful she will have hours of agony listening to all the tracks on the album. The lyrics can only be described as the product of a bright but particularly pretentious English Lit undergrad student taking his first year reading list and crowbarring it into whose cited in that particular week's issue of Blitz magazine, circa 1983.
Naturally, I think it's one of the best albums of the eighties.


timesnewroman said...

You need to explain the title I'm lost.

Agree that Rattlesnakes is a bloody brilliant album though.

hakmao said...

"Tupped full of vitamins" is a line from Are You Ready To Be Heartbroken?.

Darren, I must like LC a bit to have bought the '1984-1989' compilation.

"As she reads Simone de Beauvoir in her American circumstance" - wordy git.

Imposs1904 said...


HM got it in one. "Tupped full of vitamins on account of all the cynicism" from Are You Ready . . . always intrigued me as a lyric. No idea what it means, but it sounds good enough. ;-)

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Hmm... I always thought the phrasing was an elided version of "Topped up" (full of vitamins). But I too confess a liking for LC & the Coms. I also always liked the line "why must you tell me all your secrets when it's hard enough to love you knowing nothing"