Sunday, February 26, 2006

Word Association

Via snapshirt comes the machinations of my mind reduced to the blurb on an XXL T shirt.

Hat tip to Gray, who got it from someone else.


Will said...

That's the most accurate one I've seen so far apart from:

It only does the front page of your blog as well Darren, so that explains why "consistent" and "don't have a clue" aren't there. I've no idea why "efficacious" and "solution" don't show up... something about your politics?

Imposs1904 said...

I believe I've just been insulted, but I will have to consult a dictionary first to see what 'efficacious' means before reaching a final conclusion.

Will said...

Liar. You're one of them clever buggers. Tell me what I need to know please. Please?

Imposs1904 said...

'What you need to know'?

The revival under Glenn Roeder won't last, and Martin O'Neill will be your next manager.

Next questioner!!!

PS Oh, that's what 'efficacious' means. Now - how do you pronounce it. I must somehow use it in conversation tomorrow.

Will said...

And I must really go to bed. This time difference thing with you now is a real headfuck.

Eff i Kashious