Thursday, June 09, 2005


Mention of Lenny reminded me of this wee gem from petition days gone past. The control freakery of the upper echelons of the 'Smallest Mass Party in the World' is still very much in place, but there is no doubting that there has been a thaw of sorts in recent years, what with Lenny, Meaders and the semi-detached Victor (a Peter Sedgewick for the iPod generation?) knocking about in the blogsphere. (Have I missed anybody out?)
The 'Generals Without Armies' even threw in the kaffiyeh in a gesture of: 'If you can't beat 'em, join 'em' when Lindsay German had her own wee blog whilst running as the Respect candidate for London Mayor last year. It was a riveting read, and I understand that it has been especially archived, with plans for it to be whacked onto the Marxist Internet Archive as soon as she goes to that great demo in the sky.


Victor S said...

Please, if you persist in slandering me so, I'll go all Galloway on your ass. I am considerably more than 'semi-detatched' from the SWP. I remain fond of them, however. I did give them a decade-plus of my life.

(That was nice of you to put me in the same sentence as Peter Sedgewick, mind. Blush)

John said...

Darren, I'd never seen that bannin order before. It's priceless. Especially,

"Irresponsible gossip by a self-selected and relatively privileged clique is no substitute for discussion in a democratic centralist organisation."

Written with no trace of irony.