Saturday, January 08, 2005

'Who Will Do The Dirty Work?'

"That's all very well, some say, and anarchy may be a perfect form of human society, but we don't want to take a leap in the dark. Tell us, therefore, in detail, how your society will be organised. And there follows a whole series of questions . . . What methods will be used to teach children? How will production be organised? And supposing all the inhabitants of Siberia should want to spen winter in Nice? And if everyone were to want to eat partridge, and drink wine from the Chianti District? And who will do a miner's job or be a seaman? And who will empty the privies? And who will establish the railway timetable? And what will be done if an engine-driver has a stomach ache while the train is moving? And so on to the point of assuming that we have all the knowledge and experience of the unknown future, and that in the name of anarchy, we should prescribe for future generations at what time they must go to bed, and on what days they must pare their corns."
Malatesta, Anarchy

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