Saturday, January 15, 2005

Leaving Your Windows Open in Winter

A half-remembered, but fully embellished, online conversation from a few days back between Kara of the Radio Active blog and myself:
K - I just caught your porn comment. D - Where? K - You know where. D - On my blog? K - God, frat boy. D - Where? I'm confused, I don't know what you are talking about.
K - On your MySpace profile. "Politics, music, watching sports, films (porn preferably), literature - you know, the usual."
D - What !!! K - Your MySpace profile page.
D - Fuck, you know what happened? I've left my MySpace account open on the computer and John has changed it on the quiet. He likes to do stuff like that. He went through my MP3 collection once time on the computer and renamed all the songs on there. According to itunes, I now listen to Britney Spears singing 'Hit Me Baby One More Time and I'll Call The Police To Throw Your Arse in Jail'.
K - Jesus and Ghandi are now your heroes . . . and Nelson Mandela D - yeah? K - and you're a swinger now, apparently. D - He's a cheeky bastard. K - There's a blog for you; explaining your love for Porn and Jesus. D - Mmm - maybe K - If I were you I would go take off the porn and Jesus thing. D - But Jesus loves a sinner. K - Before people might think I'm into a porn-loving Jesus-freak. D - aye, good point. I wouldn't want people to think I'm religious.

1 comment:

Reidski said...

Ahhh, so you're a jesus-loving porn meister, then, are you? I'll be seeing you down in the Church of the Godless Sinners tonight!