Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Katrina and the Waves

OK, the title of the leaflet makes me cringe - it's on a par with the obituary of Paul Foot entitled 'One Foot in the Grave' - but nonetheless, click on the link to read the World Socialist Party of the United States leaflet on the catastrophe in New Orleans.


Imposs1904 said...

You can dismiss it as spam if you want to but, for me, the comment above qualifies as positive feedback. ;-)

Lisa Rullsenberg said...

Darren, you are better than that!

I got really hacked off with this so decided as keen as I was for comments and "positive feedback" I wasn't that desperate.

Though I would say that the line "Hey, you have a great blog here! I'm definitely going to bookmark you!" has somewhat passed into leg-end. Shame, 'cos now what do we say?!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes. Good ol' spam. I thought I had escaped but it is slowly turning up on my blog. Bugger! :( I have had the "great blog..."line and "I was just surfing blogs..." too.

Anyhoo, nice to see you are back blogging, Darren! All the best.