Thursday, October 01, 2020

A Placeholder of sorts . . .

. . . is that the right term? I never know about these things. I've been Lexulous for about 11 years now. It's the Facebook version of Scrabble. I seem to remember that I started playing it because I was coming down with a severe case of 'Baby Brain', and I needed some form of intellectual stimulation before my brains leaked out of my left ear. As the stats indicate, I am a decidedly average player. In my defence I don't cheat, and I know some -  though not all - of my opponents feel the need to cheat by using word generators. I'm passed caring at this point.

What's the point of the 'placeholder'? Well, I just finished my 16,000 game, which is a landmark of sorts and at this late stage I'm interested in bingos for some reason, so that at the start of each month I'll post a screen grab of my stats so I can keep track of them. Why the sudden interest now? I don't have a scooby. Just my latest wilo-the-wisp bullshit version of prevarication and procrastination.

Apologies for the garbled post. Now that I've placed the blog on private, I'm giving less of a shit about proof reading:

Wow, look at this post from March of this year. Talk about repeating myself. Same patter and everything. Looks like the 'Baby Brain' never really went away, after all.

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