Sunday, September 03, 2006

Go Figure

I'm listening to a Ian Rankin podcast, scouring the web for reports of the launch of the SVP*, looking out for the delivery of Denise Mina novels in the post and scoffing over that scuffed penalty from Kenny Miller that nearly never went in against the Faroe Islands, whilst Alan J. has produced a couple of excellent posts here and here at Mailstrom, giving the facts and figures on America's Labor Day Holiday, the increased exploitation of the working class in the States and, in short, giving echo of that Warren Buffett famous quote that there is only one side who are currently winning the class war. Guess who?

Alan lives in Livingston, I live in Brooklyn and the WSPUS are currently thinking at this point that they got sent the wrong Scottish socialist.

*Sheridan's Vanity Project

1 comment:

Alister said...

I think the sudden calling of a 'Respect summer camp' in Arran (stumbled across by a local SSP member) was the guarantee that Benny (as he is now known, as in 'hill') would fill his rally.
The big weakness of the soLIdARity party is that it has tied itself to Benny so closely. A bit like setting sail on a raft made of rotten planks. (been watching too much Lost recently.)