Alex and Danny met on their first day at school. They looked like twins, everyone said so, it was an innocent joke. They were sweethearts for their first term of school but it all ended abruptly when their mothers met at the gates. The most vivid memory of Alex's early life was walkig home through a park, blood dripping from her sobbing mother's mouth onto the grey path. She'd ripped her blouse in the fight and everyone could see her bra strap.
People didn't move schools in those days. Danny and Alex went all the way through primary school together, and secondary. And all the time there was the ever present threat of their mothers fighting, of the other boot falling.
People didn't move schools in those days. Danny and Alex went all the way through primary school together, and secondary. And all the time there was the ever present threat of their mothers fighting, of the other boot falling.
Don't know Denise Mina's stuff, but picked one up at the library last night - The Field of Blood. 50 pages in and know that it's going to be a cracker!
She's one of my favourite writers (Kara and her sister loves her too.)
Field of Blood is good but you'll have to also check out the Garnethill Trilogy as well. You can pay me the finders fee at a later date.
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