Monday, February 20, 2006

Ken MacLeod on the SPGB

Old news item time. Don't blame me, blame this article that appeared in the Guardian the other day on the wonders of technorati, and in the 21st century version of picking a book on British and/or left politics off a shelf and immediately turning to the index and looking to see if there are any page entries listed under SPGB, I immediately typed in that much misunderstood acronym into technorati.

One of the entries I found, and apologies if I have posted on this before, is the following blogpost from Ken MacLeod that dates a couple of years back when the SPGB was celebrating no, marking, its hundredth anniversary. MacLeod writes warmly and with some sympathy about 'the Party'*, and I like his wee characterisation of the Party in that blogpost:

" . . .it faces the future with quiet confidence, and looks back on its first century with a forgiveable tincture of Ivor Cutler's 'Scottish education': 'Ah telt ye! Ah telt ye!'

"Quiet confidence:" I like that. It's bollocks of course, but I like it nonetheless.

"The Party": I am officially a hack . . . if you hadn't realised that already.

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